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Glumix ® - Soil inoculant 1lb Bag

Glumix ® - Soil inoculant 1lb Bag

Regular price $6.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $6.00 USD
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GLUMIX® is a soil inoculant and enhancer formulated with spores of Glomus geosporum, G. fasciculatum, G. constrictum, G. tortuosum, G. intraradices, which are selected strains of vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (VAM) that have been carefully chosen. It is highly efficient in the assimilation of phosphorus and other nutrients, while also providing plants with resistance to stress conditions such as drought, salinity, frost, excessive rain, and greater tolerance to diseases.

How it Works:

GLUMIX® invades the roots when they emit exudates or chemical compounds that stimulate the germination of spores. Inside the root, a series of dichotomous branches develop, forming an arbuscule that occupies the cortical cells of the host. The hyphae and mycelium of the mycorrhizae penetrate the plant root, coming into close contact with the root cells, specifically with the ribosomes.

Externally to the roots, the mycorrhizae produce a large amount of mycelium or hyphae, which extend to explore a much larger volume of soil than the roots would under normal conditions. In this way, the mycorrhizae contribute to better development and growth of the plant, as well as absorbing greater quantities of micronutrients such as N, P, K, Ca, Zn, Fe, and Cu, which are directly provided to the plant. Additionally, GLUMIX® strengthens plants by enhancing their physical and chemical defenses against pathogenic agents.

How to Use:

    Apply at a rate of 1-2gr per square meter.

    You can mix Glumix in your potting mix, garden beds, indoor plants, fruit trees, palms or any other plant. Work the product into the soil to avoid leaving it exposed to direct sunlight.