This is one of the ways we innoculate our garden beds and fruit trees around the farm with Indigenous Microorganisms from the forest, also known as IMO (Indigenous Micro Organisms) in Korean Natural Farming.

We apply this brew on new garden beds every few weeks for the first month or two. Once our beds are well established we apply a few times per year.

Our plants love it. Indigenous Microorganisms are essential in the nutrient uptake of plants and can make a huge difference even in nutrient-deficient soils.

There are many other (more involved) ways to replicate and propagate beneficial soil microbiology from the forest onto your garden, but if you want a quick and easy way, this recipe will definitely improve your soil biology.

If you wish to learn more about Korean Natural Farming and soil biology we recommend the following resources:

  • Chris Trump's YouTube Channel

  • Jadam Organic Farming by Youngsang Cho (book)

  • Teaming with Microbes by Jeff Lowenfels (book)

  • The University of Hawaii (College of Tropical Agriculture) has a lot of KNF resources (website)

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